
Reinhard ImöhlDirector of the German Technical Cooperation Corporation (GTZ) East Asia and Pacific; founder of Sino-German Training Center.

Werner E.SchwarzGerman expert of Sino-German Training Center, the first expert group leader.

Karl Hopfensperger:German expert of Sino-German Training Center, the second expert group leader. During his work in Tianjin, he was awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award.

Dr.Georg Stecher:German expert of Sino-German Training Center, the 3rd expert group leader. During his work in Tianjin, he was awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award.

Ernst Nausch:German expert of Sino-German Training Center, the 4th expert group leader. He won the Tianjin "Haihe Wave Flower Award" and the Chinese Government Friendship Award.

Winfried HeusingerGerman expert of Sino-German Training Center, doctor of business economics, German CIM expert.

内藤隆三:Former Japanese expert of Tianjin Enterprise Management Training Center and the first expert group leader.

美马精一:Former Japanese expert of Tianjin Enterprise Management Training Center, and the second expert group leader.

江草良三:Former Japanese expert of Tianjin Enterprise Management Training Center, and the third expert group leader.

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